Monday, April 7, 2008

Checks from Uncle Sam

Here's one simple idea for helping to fill the budget gap: What if we all give 10 percent of the economic stimulus checks we're getting in May from the government to our church? If even 200 people give 10 percent or more of what they get from Uncle Sam, I'm sure the tally would come to more than $20,000. If those who are struggling less could give more, that total could swell rapidly.
If half of our members donated an average of $200 from those checks, we'd get over $60,000 in extra revenue -- and we'd get it right as summer starts, which has to help during a relatively dry season for contributions.
We'll give our share.

PS: Except for very high income taxpayers -- and people with almost no income who fail to file a tax form -- eligible individuals will receive between $300 and $600. Those who are eligible and file a joint return will receive a total of between $600 and $1,200. Those with children will get an additional $300 for each qualifying child. The checks go out in May. (By the way, if you're one of those very high income taxpayers who aren't getting a check, you can afford to chip in more, too!)


Anonymous said...

Great idea!

Anonymous said...

I am truly sad to learn of the travails at our sister UU church. Several years ago, when our youth choir was cut and our RE program was not very strong, we seriously considered joining your church because of the perceived strength of those programs in your church.

At that point, our daughter was getting all of 45 minutes per week in music education at school. Sure she was doing spendidly with her violin lessons, but her real connection to music and our church was through the youth choir. She was not interested in going to church when it was disbanded.

Luckily, that has changed and now she cannot wait to join her peers in both the youth choir and the new and improved RE program.

I hope for the sake of the Fern Street congregation that you are able to support the growth and development of future generations of UUs, by nuturing their musical gifts and talents.

Anonymous said...

I hope that the policy board jumps at this idea. It has the potential to help us through this year's mess. With more time, perhaps longer range solutions will emerge.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a great idea, and an example of a constructive solution to the problem. Bravo, Steve! Be aware, though, that a member must pledge the increase now, so that the policy board and Pete Begin can take into account the additional pledge income prior to 6/1/08, when budget cuts are contemplated. Green pledge forms are available at church, or please email me at and I will make sure one is mailed to you. Matt Schreck

Anonymous said...

Great idea. I also upped my pledge by 50% after the noon meeting on Sunday ...

are there others of you who did the same?

Anonymous said...

This is something that the policy board should seize on. Let's run with it!